Mountains and how do they form?

There are high mountains all over the world.They took millions of years to form,as the plates that make up the Earth's crust squeezed and buckled.
Mountain ranges that lie near the edge of plates are still being pushed higher.They have steep,rocky peaks.Older ranges that lie further from the plate edges have been worn away over the years by rain,wind and ice.
It is cold on high mountains,and the peaks have no plants.

Did you know? 😇

The Andes
The longest mountain range on land is the Andes,Which stretches for over 7,000 kilometers down the west coast of south America.The Transantarctic Mountains stretch right across the frozen continent of Antarctica. 

Mountains are often joined together in a series,or range.The longest and highest ranges,such as the Andes and the Himalayas,form huge mountain systems.Few animals or people live on the highest mountains.

The ten highest mountains on land are all in the Himalayas,to the north of India.The highest peak of all,mountain Everest,lies on the border between Nepal and Tibet.It is 8,863 meters high and is known to people of Tibet as Chomolongama.

There are types of Mountains.

  1. Block Mountains
  2. Dome Mountains
  3. Fold Mountains
Block Mountains 

Block mountains are created when the Earth's crust develop cracks,called faults,and the chunk of land between them is pushed up.

Dome Mountains

Dome Mountains form when the top of the Earth's crust are pushed up by molten rock underneath.This makes a big bulge.

Fold Mountains

Fold mountains are formed when one plate bumps and pushes against another rock.Rock is squeezed up into folds.The Andes were made this way.

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