Rocks and Minerals

Did you know? 😇

*Crust of the earth is made up with rocks.
*Rock is aggregate of one or more minerals. 

Therefore we have to consider both to get brief knowledge.

*A mineral is a solid which naturally occurring because of the inorganic substance.
*It is made from the remains animals and plants.

             Uses of Minerals ↧↧↧
  • To clean teeth
  • To build cars
  • To build computers
  • To fertilize soil
  • Use in dentistry
  • Use in beverage cans,cosmetics(ex:Aluminium)
  • etc


*Rocks are made with one or more minerals.
*Rocks have different shapes and types.
*But because of some reasons their shape and type get change.Reasons for that are listed below ↧↧↧

  1. Wind
  2. water
  3. Pressure
  4. Heat
*There are 3 types of Rocks
  1. Igneous rocks
  2. Sedimentary rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks

(01) Igneous Rocks


*This type of rock is made from hot melted rock from inside the Earth cool down and goes hard.

Did you know? 😇

*Granite rock was used to build the Empire State building in NY.

(02)Sedimentary Rocks

*This type of rock is made when layers of sand,mud and seashells pill up as a sediment and get squashed together.

White Cliffs (This is made from the shells of tiny sea creatures)

(03)Metamorphic Rocks


*This is a rock which changed by great heat and pressure.

Did you know? 😇
*Marble is used for the Sculpture.

Earth's rocks are millions of years old.Day by day new rocks are being generated 😇. 
That's all for this article. Let's meet again with a new article.
Thank you! 😊


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